Time and Work Organization

Time Management and Work Organization training aims to provide participants with the skills and strategies needed to optimize their use of time and improve their efficiency in managing their work tasks and responsibilities.



Time and Work Organization

Time Management and Work Organization training aims to provide participants with the skills and strategies needed to optimize their use of time and improve their efficiency in managing their work tasks and responsibilities.

  14 h / 2 jours

Training objectives

  • Develop effective time management skills.
  • Structure your work optimally for greater productivity.
  • Implement concrete strategies for managing day-to-day priorities.

Pedagogical objectives

At the end of this 2-day workshop, participants will be able to :

  • Understand the fundamentals of time management.
  • Identify obstacles to effective time use.
  • Apply planning and prioritization techniques.
  • Use practical tools to organize work efficiently.
  • Participate in a hands-on workshop to implement the concepts learned.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals
  • Managers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Anyone wishing to improve their time management and work organization for greater productivity.

Detailed program

Time Management Fundamentals
  • Understand the basics of time management.
  • Identify time thieves and obstacles to productivity.
  • Introduction to planning and prioritization techniques.
Practical Tools and Work Optimization Workshop
  • Use of time management tools.
  • Application of priority management techniques.
  • Practical workshop to draw up a personal work optimization action plan.

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