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About Tenstep

Tenstep is a consulting and training company specialized in project management, dedicated to the continuous improvement of management practices. Our mission is to help professionals achieve excellence in project management, by providing tailored solutions and superior services.

Since our inception, we have been committed to bringing added value to our customers by helping them transform their projects into lasting successes. With a team of seasoned experts and a customer-focused approach, Tenstep is your trusted partner for overcoming project management challenges and achieving organizational goals.

Tenstep in numbers

Our team has worked with numerous start-ups and companies to turn their ideas into reality, and has helped thousands of customers develop their businesses.


TSPM certification


Trained people


PMI-recognized training


Consulting projects

Our areas of expertise

Tenstep excels in several key areas of expertise, contributing to the advancement of project management practices.

Project Management Consulting

Our team of experienced consultants offers strategic and operational advice to help professionals optimize their project management processes. From the design and implementation of Project Management Offices (PMOs) to project portfolio management, we provide solutions tailored to the specific needs of each customer.

Project Management Training

Tenstep offers a comprehensive range of project management training courses, covering all skill levels from beginner to expert. Our training programs are designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to manage projects effectively, using the latest tools and best practices.

Methodology development

We specialize in developing and customizing project management methodologies to meet the unique needs of our customers. Working closely with professionals, we create robust, customized frameworks for effective, efficient project management.

Thanks to our in-depth expertise in these fields, Tenstep is able to support organizations at every stage of their project management journey, providing innovative solutions and high-quality services.

Cutting-edge methodologies

Tenstep plays an essential role in the success of organizations’ projects by offering tailor-made solutions and cutting-edge methodologies.

Personalized diagnosis and consulting

We start with a thorough assessment of each organization’s specific needs and challenges. By fully understanding the project requirements, we are able to offer strategic advice and customized solutions to optimize project management and execution.

Development of Adapted Methodologies

Based on the organization’s specific needs, we design and develop customized project management methodologies. These tailor-made frameworks incorporate industry best practices, while being adapted to the organization’s internal culture and processes.

Training and Skills Development

We offer comprehensive, hands-on training to enhance the skills of project teams. Our training programs are designed to provide the necessary knowledge and develop the essential skills to effectively manage projects in a variety of contexts.

Mentoring and Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support to our customers throughout the project lifecycle. Our consultants act as mentors to project teams, offering advice and guidance to overcome challenges and maximize chances of success.

Thanks to our personalized approach and in-depth expertise, Tenstep can help you optimize your projects, minimize risks and successfully achieve your objectives. Our commitment to excellence and innovation ensures that our customers receive high-quality project management solutions, tailored to their specific needs.